Monday, July 28, 2014

August First Friday Shorts with Bay Area Youth Media Network

Friday August 1, 6-8pm
The New Parkway
474 24th St


On Friday August, 1, 2014, from 6-8pm, BAYMN partners with First Friday Shorts at The New Parkway in Oakland for an event by, for, and about youth media makers where the audience isn’t just an audience; they are also contributors and creators. This one-of-a-kind evening will include a funny costume photo booth, an opportunity to contribute to a large-scale transmedia art project investigating, “Where do you belong?”, and showcase films whose central theme is belonging. This is all leading up to BAYMN FEST 2014, which is October 17 and 18 at the San Francisco Main Library.   

The Bay Area Youth Media Network taps into the richness of our collective resources and our experiences as educators and artists to amplify opportunities for conscious youth media creation and exhibition. BAYMN FEST is a two-day interactive showcase of media produced by emerging media makers ages 12-24. It is the celebration of the power of media to engage communities, amplify voices, and transform narratives. BAYMN’s Steering Committee includes representatives from BAVC, CA Academy of Sciences, KQED, San Francisco Film Society, San Francisco Public Library, TILT, Youth UpRising, and 14 Black Poppies.